Leilani's Other Interest

Places I'm Interested In

Pictures here is the beautiful and calming view of Venice, Italy.

This is a picture of the scenery in the Dominican Republic

Pictured here is the beautiful ocean and clouds in the bahamas.

People I Find Interesting

1. Kathryn Plumer: She is a very well known college volleyball player. She plays for Stanford University and has recieved player of the year award for three years in a row. She is now playing for the US olympic women's team.

2. Beyonce: Of course everyone knows the queen B. She is very inspiring and powerful. She is a role model for me because no matter what she is always confident. It never mattered who her audience was. She is always happy with herself. Which is the only thing that matters.

3. Will Smith: He inspires me because of how strong he is. I loved him in "The Fresh Prince of Bel'Air" and in "Suicide Squad". Will Smith has always made me laugh and has always given me a good vibe. From his instagram quotes, to his cringy TikToks.

Here is the man himself, along with a link to his cringy tik toks.

Dogs I Find Interesting/Like

German Shephard- I don't really understand why but German Shephards have always caught my eye. I love how strong and dominant they are. But at the same time they are soft and protective.

This is a picture of a German Shepherd

Yorky - Yorky's have always caught my attention as well. I love how small and cute they are. On top of that they don't shed. Although their hair does get tangled and knotty sometimes.
This is a link to adopt a Yorky.

Black Lab- This is more formally known as the Black Labrodar Retriever. I feel as though this dog is very kind and good with children considering the one my aunt has is like that. My friend also has one and has alwaya been very kind to me.

Jobs I'm Interested In

- Engineer: I've always liked the idea of being the one to create and innovate others and my own ideas. I feel as though it is something that I would be good at and would be appreciated throughout my career since technology and other types of advancements are the future.

- Doctor: This would be my second choice because I also love helping people. This is another job that would help me aid the world. Whether it be with small dose perscriptions or chemotherapy. Anything to keep a life going.

- Vetranarian: I really do love animals and finding a way to aid them would make me feel whole. My cousin has also just finished college after studying to become a vetrenarian. She has told me it is a lot of hard work, but if it is something I would like to do, It is truly worth it.